You could call it a large medium-sized company: Kreissparkasse Göppingen has total assets of 6.3 billion euros, more than 60 branches and self-service locations, and more than 1,000 employees. The bank is a member of the BestPractice partner group of Staufen AG. It represents companies that have implemented BestPractice solutions in their organization and processes.
Listen to the inner voice
The topic of lean is primarily known from manufacturing companies. “The decision to apply a holistic lean concept as a financial institution and apply it to the bank’s own operations and processes came from within the company and was the result of an employee survey.”
The core issue was a lack of communication: too little information top-down and little room for maneuvering due to limited opportunities to convey information bottom-up. “On top of that, our board wanted to respond to developments such as digitalization, low interest rates, the regulatory environment and also competition by means of process optimization.”

“Of course, increasing efficiency is particularly important to us”
“When it comes to efficiency improvement, we as lean trainers stand by our colleagues as partners at eye level and support them in the context of CIP workshops (CIP = continuous improvement process) to identify problem areas and derive appropriate measures, which are then also implemented in a binding manner.”
“We introduced Visual Performance Management at our company, including boards and stand-up meetings. As a lean trainer, my job is to accompany leaders during stand-up meetings and then provide feedback to the facilitator or presenter for further development.” “The area of responsibility is very diverse.” Since the topic of lean management focuses on culture changes in the company, it is important to be present on site.
“We can say that we achieved sustainable change in the behavior of managers through Lean Management.”
Lisa Rinzivillo, Lean Management Officer, Kreissparkasse Göppingen
“Courage is important to break new ground and cut familiar old ways”
“Every banking institution should consider Lean Management for the long term. At the same time, it makes sense to plan room for individual circumstances in your own company, as flexibility and individuality create more acceptance.” According to Lisa Rinzivillo, it is also important to leave room for employees’ concerns and worries, as well as their input.“I think the whole industry has to change in order to survive in the long term.”
New business models are needed as well as the ability for customers to purchase products online, especially products that do not require consulting. “If possible, so that customers do not have to come to the bank for just one signature.In addition, coordination processes must be significantly accelerated and bureaucracy in banks must be reduced.”

Janice Köser
Manager Academy

Lisa Rinzivillo
Referentin Lean Management
Kreisparkasse Göppingen