June 11, 2021


As the latest Staufen study shows, lean management is an important pillar of entrepreneurial success on world markets – and that’s how it will stay. Nevertheless, many companies do not take advantage of the potential it offers, says lean expert Art Byrne in a conversation with Staufen. He believes that many decision makers do not really understand how revolutionary the lean philosophy still truly is.

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May 25, 2021 News Brazil

Aprenda fazendo

Foi pensando na abordagem de “learning company” que a Toyota, já há muitas décadas, adota o modelo de treinamento “on the job”, em que se aprende fazendo. Isso gera uma responsabilidade grande aos líderes como formadores de profissionais e de novos líderes. Ao aplicar a metodologia Lean na empresa, o RH também pode auxiliar na gestão das metas, para que cada equipe saiba claramente o que se espera dela, como será a prática, qual o cronograma de atividades, quais os resultados esperados, quais desperdícios devem ser evitados, e qual a recompensa e reconhecimento ao atingir a meta. Isso colabora na estabilização do ambiente de trabalho e na manutenção de um bom clima organizacional.

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May 25, 2021 News Brazil

Para transformar, é preciso desenvolver as pessoas

Entendendo a constante preocupação dos departamentos de gente e gestão com o incentivo e a motivação das pessoas com relação às suas entregas e à sua capacitação, o que vai muito além do mero “controlar comportamentos e o cumprimento de normas”, a metodologia Lean se torna ainda mais relevante. Lean é sobre pessoas, muito mais que sobre ferramentas ou tecnologias.

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May 5, 2021 Global news, News Germany

In only one in five companies is collaboration anywhere near where it was before the Corona crisis/Lack of collaboration is already causing efficiency, cost and quality problems – Study

In only one in five companies is collaboration anywhere near where it was before the Corona crisis/Lack of collaboration is already causing efficiency, cost and quality problems. Corona continues to test companies and their employees. According to the current study “Collaboration as the key to success,” only 22 percent of companies currently manage to maintain collaboration at pre-crisis levels. This stressful situation directly impacts companies’ key performance indicators. For example, poor collaboration noticeably reduces efficiency in 72 percent of companies. For the study, business consultancy Staufen, together with the Shop Floor Management experts from Staufen.ValueStreamer surveyed more than 300 companies in Germany.

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April 7, 2021 Global news, News Germany

Taking a look at the performance of leaders/Avoiding falling back into old patterns of thought – Restructuring after Corona

There will be no back to “business as usual” after Corona, not even with regard to the topic of leadership. For it became clear in the crisis which leadership concepts companies need in order to react so that they are fit for transformations and changes. As a current market study by the consulting company Staufen shows, however, it is proving difficult for many companies to make insights gained in the pandemic into the “new normal.”

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