For more than 60 percent of young Brazilians, opportunities for professional advancement are the most important criterion in their choice of employer. In China, too, almost one in two adults (48 percent) attach greatest importance to lucrative career opportunities. But the situation is quite different in security-focused Germany: Only a quarter named career opportunities as the most important selection criterion in their search for an employer. These are the results from the “War for Talents 2014” study. The study on behalf of the Staufen business consultancy involved interviews with 3,000 young adults in Germany, China and Brazil. While Brazilians and Chinese are clearly focused on their professional career development, young Germans set very different priorities in their choice of employer. For that age group between 18 and 34 years, job security (54%) is much more important than climbing the career ladder. By contrast, only 44 percent of Chinese named job security as their most important selection criterion, as did 48 percent of Brazilians. “The study confirms a great need for security for Germans. Once they have found their employer, they tend to stay with the company for the long term,” as Markus Franz, Director of the Staufen Academy unit, explains. “However, companies should not be deceived by this loyalty,” he continues. “Loyal employees, too, have very clear ideas as to how their employer should look after them and their careers.” For 53 percent of young Germans, it is thus important in their choice of employers that the company offers regular in-house trainings and seminars. Training expert Franz is convinced: “The primary function of a training course, i.e. to convey knowledge, can thus become a dual success with the addition of appreciation as an added element.” According to Franz, until 2013 Executive Director for Staufen China, headquartered in Shanghai, this dual strategy also applies for continued professional training opportunities in China, where 57 percent stated that this criterion ranks top of the list in the search for a job. “Despite their strong desire for professional advancement, these young Chinese also appreciate an employer’s personal interest and estimation,” as confirmed by his experience in the field.