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Being one step ahead of the next crisis: Setting up supply chains to be failsafe globally / Staufen is strengthening its foothold in the USA 

agosto 2, 2022 | Global news, News USA

In the wake of the global crises, even serious voices are now questioning globalization. Yet fragile supply chains and unstable markets, in general, should not curtail global economic interdependencies. Quite the opposite: Companies seeking a multinational supply chain can successfully protect themselves against outside impacts. This is why the Staufen business consultancy focuses specifically on regionally anchored experts that maintain an international perspective. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have prompted many companies to reorganize their supply chains and revise a number of procedures and processes. Despite this, though, we certainly won’t see the future in renewed economic blocks or isolated national economic areas,” says Wilhelm Goschy, CEO of Staufen AG. His advice: “Only with intelligent ‘glocalization’ will we be able to avoid cluster risks and manage complex crisis situations in the future. Global parts tourism, driven solely by costs, must make way for procurement strategies that are both economically and ecologically feasible. In other words, regional focal points need to be established in a global network.” 

In the view of the business consultant, the globalization rules of the game are undergoing revision, but not a complete rewrite: “Winds will not be calmer any time soon. That’s why the industry should focus on resilience and fail-safe processes without neglecting efficiency. Businesses that strike the right balance in this respect will continue to be successful in the market.” 

Digitalization helps with the realignment  

According to Goschy, a realignment from procurement to production to sales should be leveraged to establish internal processes that are future-proof and leaner: “Particularly with a view towards increasing digitalization, what is important now is to identify opportunities in the change and make consistent use of them. For example, deficits and potential sources of error within a supply chain can be identified and eliminated as part of a digital transformation.” 

A global network of locations is, in the opinion of the Staufen CEO, an important building block for ensuring that international relations remain resilient despite periods of crisis: ” Businesses really need to maintain contacts and ensure that access to markets remains open over the long term. No one is served by sliding back into closed-off markets.” 

David Frost, Management of the new branch, STAUFEN.USA

Staufen is expanding its footprint in the United States 

Staufen AG is and will therefore remain present in all important markets as a business consultancy and is even expanding its American footprint. Just as one example, lean expert David Frost has taken over executive management of the new Staufen subsidiary in the USA. The production expert and “car guy” will lead the team there from Atlanta. 

The close cooperation between Staufen’s international offices in Europe, China, and North and South America, Frost says, ensures a high level of consulting quality: “The members of the U.S. team all come from a range of industries with broad backgrounds. Moreover, we can always tap into resources in Mexico, Germany or the entire Staufen world. Plus, we have the wealth of knowledge in the academy, which we benefit from as well. Working together with our customers, we at Staufen develop solutions, optimize processes, plan new plants, empower and coach managers and the workforce, while accompanying the company on its path to digitalization.” 

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